
We’re running an affiliate program to market our products, it involves “Affiliates” who will share the products of our shop with their followers on social media platforms or blogs. 

E.G. Indicators cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions to the accuracy of information contained on this Site nor provided by affiliates. We recommend that visitors and users seek advice from an independent financial advisor before buying or selling securities. E.G. Indicators and all affiliated parties are NOT registered as financial advisors.

This Site and all individuals and entities affiliated with this Site assume no responsibility for your trading results or investments. Also, our partners or affiliated companies are in no way associated with the proprietary information provided by this Site.

In return when one of the customers uses the affiliate link (given to every affiliate) to purchase a product on our website, the affiliate earns up to 10% commission on it.

If you’re not yet part of the HubSpot Affiliate Program, you can apply here.

If you ever need anything else or have questions, feel free to reach out to the team at support@egindicators.com

Affiliation commission

1. Commission rates are up to 10%. 
Commissions are based on a purchase, and purchase commissions may be calculated based on monthly or annual packages purchases.
 As an affiliate, you will receive an up to 10% coupon code to share with your customers as well.

2. Limitations:

a. For purchase commissions, you will receive commission for a purchase made by a new customer who is not in an active sales process with us at the time of the affiliate link click.

b. The customer needs to be an active customer for the locking period of 45 days.

c. Commissions is calculated based on purchase amount, excluding discounts, taxes & fees.

d. Affiliate links rely on cookies to track referrals. Therefore if cookies get cleared, we may not be able to track these events.

e. Cookie windows are 45 days.

f. Only affiliate links can be used to track referrals. Incorrect use of affiliate links will cause inability to track referrals.

g. Payments are made after 45 business days and for a minimum amount reach of $100.

h. Fraudulent or stolen attribution is a non payable event. If we suspect fraud (for example, if we see that signups are all from the same city or IP address) we may require you to prove that the referrals are valid.

I. Attribution: In the event a single customer clicks two different affiliate links, the first affiliate gets the credit. We do, however, reserve the right to modify this in certain circumstances. 


Do Not: Use false or misleading statements on the benefits of using E.G. Indicators (e.g. “Get rich quick with E.G. Indicators”). Do not modify or adjust the E.G. Indicators  logo in any sort of marketing material you might create, including the creation of any visual badges or dual-logo lockups.

Do Not: Refer to yourself as a Partner or that you’ve “partnered with E.G. Indicators.” This includes press releases, references in videos, listings on your website, or in any other marketing material you may be using.

Buying ads

You will not purchase ads that direct to your site(s) or through an affiliate link that could be considered as competing with E.G. Indicators own advertising, including, but not limited to, our branded keywords. If running ads, you need to direct the ad to your own website (and not to egindicators.com.com) or a standalone landing page.